Constantly hungry for fries and adventure, the Belgian all-rounder is the first to respond when the mountains call. Whether it is a massive big-wall climb, a two-move boulder or a tune on his guitar, Nico takes on the challenge like a true rock star!
Ausgewählte Leistungen
How would you describe your relationship with nature?
It’s a multi-love relationship. I love everything I see!
If Mother Nature could talk, what do you think she would tell us humans?
She would say that, in fact, the sky is not the limit!!!
Which expedition experience has shaped you most as a person?
Crossing the Atlantic on the Dodo’s Delight with Captain Reverend Bob… We were really in the hands of God!
What basic qualities should your expedition partner have?
He/she needs to be cool, look good and safety third!
Which LYO product can’t you imagine going on an expedition without?
My Lyofood spoon… because no one will lend me theirs… It’s an expedition rule!
If you were not an athlete, who would you be?
I don't know but I probably wouldn't be so nice!
Why climbing then?
Is there anything else??