Convenient Nutritious Gourmet
Long shelf life
Ultra Light
Fast To Prepare
Clean Label Ingredients
Additives And Preservatives Free
No Palm Oil
Really Cooked
Exclusively Freeze-Dried
Made in Poland
We cultivate, cook, freeze-dry, pack and even communicate by ourselves. We are not just another brand that simply puts its label on a product made by someone else.
We appreciate and value ....Sílvia VidalBig wall Climber, Alpinist, ExplorerI can’t imagine going on an expedition without high-quality freeze-dried food. LYOFOOD products reduce the weight I have to carry and also help me eat well.
Adam BieleckiMountaineer, Alpinist, Climber, ExplorerI need plenty of LYO on every expedition. You have to eat something and LYOFOOD products are great.
Mathieu MaynadierAlpinist, Big wall Climber, SkierThe drinks and fruit snacks during a long stay at the base camp bring so much comfort.
Liv SansozAlpinist, Skier, ParagliderOn a high-altitude expedition your sense of taste can change a lot, and it is difficult to eat. However, Mash and Cheese always remains tasty and easy to consume for me.
Mateusz WaligóraExplorer, AdventurerLYOFOOD pasta dishes are a must as it is the fuel for most of my trips.
Roger SchäliAlpinist, Big wall Climber, ParagliderChicken Tikka Masala! It tastes simply delicious, and when you are resting in a bivouac after a long, tiring day on a mountain, it is really important.
Chloë LanthierTrail/Ultra Runner, Ski-AlpinistLYO FORMULA is the only product to hydrate my energy demand for long endurance, with electrolytes and glucide coming from fresh food.
Let’s get to know each other
EXPLOREWe combine over 30 years of experience in freeze-drying technology, gourmet small-batch cooking and natural, high-quality ingredients.
LYOFOOD comes from the world of Himalayan expeditions and ocean racing. Our food has been repeatedly tested in the most remote places and the harshest conditions. As a result, we have won not only devoted customers and loyal brand ambassadors, but also numerous awards including The Gold Industry Award for "the tastiest outdoor meals on the market." all started in the ‘80s with one daring engineer...