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Amazing fruits #6 Acerola

November 09, 2017

Amazing fruits #6 Acerola

Acerola fruits look similar to small paradise apples. They are sour, and not without a reason. Acerola is the richest source of vitamin C among fruits. It strengthens the body and mobilizes body cells to fight bacteria and viruses. The highest concentrations of vitamins are found in berries that are still green and immature. Autumn is already here, with winter just round the corner. Natural methods and formulations are great, as they can help you go through this difficult time in health, and with energy. What else is there in acerola?
Sour means healthy

The comprehensive vitamin C is what we need every day. It is best in its natural form, derived from fruits and vegetables, as in nature the vitamin is never found alone. Along vitamin C, an acerola berry also contains other substances, such as very valuable carotenoids and anthocyanins, which are very potent antioxidants. It is the natural synergic occurrence of ingredients one next to another that make up the most easily absorbed and beneficial health cocktails.

Barbados Cherry

The exotic sounding name refers to acerola, which is grown in the tropics. Acerola bushes grow in the south of North America, Central America, and the north of South America. It is an evergreen plant, whose tiny fruits are widely used in various industries. Their sour flesh hides a wealth of vitamins that are beneficial to our health.

Unique power of vitality

Vitamin C is pure energy, and acerola has plenty of it. It supports the body's resistance and is a natural antioxidant. It helps regulate the cardiovascular system and lowers body pressure, thus reducing the risk of stroke, and it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. For many years vitamin C has been the subject of research for anti-tumour effect. Also, strong bones and joints utilize vitamin C in the formation of new cells. In cases of general exhaustion, lack of appetite or apathy, vitamin C should be your first weapon of choice.

Eyes wide open

Acerola contains a lot of other antioxidants. Beta-carotene also boosts immunity and prevents heart disease. It is very important in ensuring your eyes stay healthy. The high content of anthocyanins has a great effect on the cardiovascular system. Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-tumour effects. Thanks to the freeze-drying process, LYO acerola organic powder offers a wealth of nutritional values straight from nature. It contains 100% acerola fruit, whose effect is very wide-ranging due to the unique blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

It is worth a try

Every nutrient has a certain value and a certain effect on the body that digests it. In short: "You are what you eat". There is no exaggeration here. Lashing out just once and eating the whole cake filled with butter cream and sugar may have not killed anyone instantly, but it will always leave consequences behind. The effects of diet can be noticeable immediately, or work in the long run. In autumn and winter, when the weather is not that great and the sun is scanty, what you have on your plate is particularly important. When you’re out of energy, you like to give yourself a boost of caffeine or "something sweet". When it’s cold, you often choose the fattier dishes.
We suggest you try to change these eating habits, without taking any risk, just on a trial basis - what do you have to lose?
To replace coffee (or in addition - okay, we know it’s just too hard without coffee) we suggest a green smoothie or a vitamin cocktail. Enrich your diet with organic LYO powders to feel a change in your body.
Natural vitamins in fruit and vegetable organic LYO powders act like an injection of pure energy. The freeze-drying process developed by LYOFOOD preserves valuable vitamins and minerals. LYO acerola organic powder is an excellent source of pure nutrients. Just one tablespoon of LYO acerola organic powder a day, added to your porridge, smoothie or cocktail, will effectively supply your cells with the substances your body needs.


All images and text: © LYOFOOD press materials

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